Extra Curricular


Templeorum NS joins with the three parish schools to partake in Gaa competitions for boys hurling and football. The boys have a Country Cup Award for Country Schools in the County in 2015.

Our girls join with Owning NS to form a girl’s gaelic team which has won the Roinn A County final several years in arrow until last year. Ms. Whelan coaches our girls and is a fine footballer herself.

In the school we hold a hurling league every Summer Term and it takes us from Easter to Summer before the winning team is crowned.


We have a talented bunch of singers in Templeorum and every year we take part in a performance that highlights our talents. For 2015 we will travel to Dublin to sing with the Peace Proms Cross Border Orchestra in the RDS in Dublin.

Last year we performed with the Funky Kids in our Hall. We filled the hall for two nights and we sold out in hours. Every Second year we have this drama/ music group in our area.

Children learn keyboard from Ms. Wilkins after school and we have a fine selection of keyboards for chidren from second class to sixth.

Tin whistle is taught before Christmas to the senior children to play a party piece at the Christmas play.


We are very fortunate to enjoy specialized gymnastic coaching in Templeorum. Every child participated in a six week programme in the summer term of 2015.

Tanya visits our school each year for a 6 week period. Every child from Junior Infants to Sixth Class benefits from this training.


Marisa is a local lady from Spain now living in our Parish who teaches Spanish to the Senior Children. Not alone do we learn some useful Spanish phrases but she tempts us with her native culinary delights.


This year we plan to reintroduce chess at lunchtimes. The school has a large selection of chess boards donated by the Parent’s Association and we plan to keep busy on rainy days.

Irish Dancing
Phyllis has been teaching dancing in Templeorum to all the boys and girls. She teaches traditional Irish dancing and boys and girls must all give a try to the aon do trí.


We swim in Sean Kelly Sport’s Centre in Carrick on Suir where a number of our pupils are shining stars. Henri Culleton won a gold medal in Leinster under 8 and will swim in the National Championships in February.


Our talented parent Mary Mc Evoy who runs Kilkenny Cookery school teaches baking skills to different classes at various times during the children’s time in Templeorum.

School Garden

While we would love to be outside all the time we do spend more time outdoors in the Summer Term. We have grown potatoes, cabbages,onions, radishes and strawberries and lettuce every year in recycled Tractor wheels at the back of our school. .